Sunday, December 30, 2018

Farewell 2018

Whether your inclination is to say a year was bad or good, a year is just 365 days strung together under a four-digit classification. Sometimes the best we can do during tough times is to decide to handle them with as much grace and comfort as possible. When we label something as bad, the negative dominoes in our minds begin to fall and soon everything about that day, week, month or year is tainted. 

2017 was a very difficult year for me personally. 2018 meant the final rounds of "firsts" to endure after a terrible loss and I was pretty much ready for them. I am, by nature, a survivor emotionally. I don't know if that is in my DNA, something I unconsciously learned, or if it is sheer will-power. What I didn't foresee and therefore prepare for in 2018 was witnessing the pain of others who are now in similar circumstances. I hurt for them and I hurt for me again. 

What can I do to help them and also me? I can be realistic. I can do mundane things for them that won't alter their journey but will free up time cooking and shopping, doing a load of laundry, etc. I can be there if they want to talk and know first hand not to push for updates because the last thing they might want at that moment is to talk. I can empathize but I don't need to carry this all day. Oddly enough, I didn't feel that way when it was my load to carry. I chose to find some good in everything and smile because it sure felt and looked better than showing fear.

We all have things to celebrate but we sometimes forget this. I have forgotten this a few times in 2018 and I'm saying farewell to that. 

Kindness matters and way too much of society has forgotten that. 

I've said things on Facebook that I still believe politically, but I don't need to say them to get thumbs up from like-minded friends. and negative comments from others. The division in this country is alarmingly wide and when confronted with a Them vs Us mentality, not much can be said that would open a discussion rather than an argument. 

I'm not going to fix the world or likely even affect much of it, so what is my plan for 2019 and beyond? 
1.  Take care of me. That isn't selfish, that is practical and healthy. 
2.  Help my family, friends and my neighbors. 
3.  Remember to look for the good in everything.

Can you imagine how great it would be if we all did this? If I take care of me, I'll be too busy to see that you are eating canned vegetables, watching more than 2 hours of television, letting your kids stay up too late, and whatever the latest thing to ridicule on social media might be.

If I help my friends and neighbors and they help their friends and neighbors, won't this chain of extended hands soon reach across the city, states, the whole country and maybe the world?

Do I sound like an aging hippie? Perhaps, but isn't that better than bitter?

Goodbye, 2018.  Thanks for the lessons and for the laughs. Thank you to my Sweetheart who provided enough love to last a lifetime and beyond. 💗

1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

Do we follow each other on Facebook?

You know what makes a life wonderful? You have found the secret - it is in giving.

Happy New Year,
