Monday, October 1, 2018

Manic Monday or What Flavor is Crazy?

It's just another manic Monday
I wish it was Sunday
'Cause that's my fun day
My I don't have to run day
It's just another manic Monday

You wouldn't think retirement would still have Manic Mondays, but you'd be wrong. Mine have been crazy for months now, but each week they have been a different flavor. Some are sweet, a few have been bitter. I'm not sure what to label today's yet, only that it is crazy. What flavor is crazy?

It has been raining hard for hours with more to come. Where was all of this during the summer months when my lawn was dying? My house is built on a slab and I'm not having trouble with water. Both of my sons have had water in their basements in the past. Both have had repairs that should prevent this repeating, but this much rain makes them twitchy. Son #1 is going to Son #2's house to get a pump from the garage to have on hand in case he has a problem. Son #2 got to work okay but his car quit after parking. 

As for me, I'm not having problems but an unexpected phone call this morning led to a painter coming today to paint the bedroom, bathroom and closet doors. This didn't happen when the rooms were painted due to unusual circumstances. The weather prevented the painter from being elsewhere today so the rain cloud over me has a silver lining. 

The items on the To-Do List that I thought I would tackle can wait until tomorrow, but this has happened so frequently, I need to just pencil in Mondays with "expect the unexpected".  I may be picking up a grandchild after school if a basement takes on water. I may be picking up a son from work if the car problem isn't remedied. I may just have to sit and knit or read a book while waiting to see what happens next. That isn't very manic, is it? 

It is always good to look for the silver lining. Remember when we had to wait on dial-up before we could post anything? Bonita remembers!

1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

She waited to long for it! lol