Monday, October 8, 2018

Meet Bonita

Meet Bonita. Need a bone? Bone-need-a has plenty.

I bought the skeleton to be part of my Halloween decor and have been having fun with her for two weeks. Originally, I was going to change her location and pose for my grandkids, much like Elf on the Shelf. I don't see them on a scheduled basis, but they live nearby and am fortunate to see them often.

After sharing the photo from the previous post on Facebook, the positive feedback led to another day and another. I am now posting Bonita stories (a sentence or two) and a new picture daily. It was suggested she should have her own FB page but I don't want to log in and out all the time, remembering her password as well as my own. 😉 Also, I've seen too much ugliness on all social media platforms to make Bonita's page public. If I'm going to limit her exposure on FB, she can share my page although it is rather sad that Bonita's life is more interesting than my own!


The captions in the collage are summaries of the stories on Facebook. This past weekend was the local high school's homecoming game on Friday and dance on Saturday. My neighbors had a party on Friday to watch the game and were disappointed that Bonita didn't come. Seriously? Yes, seriously! See what I mean about her social life?!!

The following day I told them she was grounded because she took my car without permission and I caught her not wearing a seat belt!
She forgot to take her keys when she went to the dance and had to wait for me to come downstairs to let her in. She did make curfew but I wasn't happy about the whiff of Formeldahyde on her breath. Her date was a guy named Frank N. Stein. I wasn't too happy about that but she told me he has a good heart and I should look past his appearance.

When I wasn't worrying about her, I did get some crafting done but I can't show items until they've been delivered. 

I hope others have as much fun in their lives as I do mine. You can't always wait for someone to bring fun to you, you have to make it yourself and then you find it is catchy. Kindness is the same way.  Spread some love and laughter today, even if you never step outside your door. 

1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

I have seen it with "Waiting for a man."