Sunday, July 5, 2020

Four months later....

Coronavirus hit Michigan hard this spring. No one in my family has had it but I did lose one friend to it and know of others who have had it, and a few who didn't survive. I don't usually speak of politics but the president has shown no leadership at all in this. Trump refuses to wear a mask, still holds rallies because this is an election year, and says the virus is going to disappear one of these days. He is a despicable person at best and that is all the space I will give him here. Numbers of cases are spiking again, restrictions for our safety are returning, and I can't guess when we, as a country, will be finally on the other side of battling coronavirus.

All of this and a divorce in my family have been the reason I haven't blogged in so long. I still made things, mostly cards, but didn't feel like talking about anything. I know of only a few people who read my blog. I appreciate them and this entry is written to explain the absence.

The reason for this blog has always been to catalog what I've made for my own purposes, including details that might interest another crafter. I will be entering many posts that are dated to reflect when the items were made rather than when the blog entry was written or shared.

Blogs aren't read the way they once were. I'm just not an Instagram gal, partly because I do a lot of posts from my PC and Instagram is a mobile device product.

So.....what am I working on, thinking about, and what am I reading currently?
I am crocheting an afghan that will be a surprise gift for someone. I hope to have that done and photographed soon.

I am thinking about kindness. I try to always be kind and perhaps set an example. I have no problem avoiding those who are spreading negativity to the point of hiding and sometimes unfriending some people on Facebook, even relatives. I know I'm well past the halfway point of my life. There will always be problems and difficult people to deal with, but I can choose who I spend my free time with in person and on social media. It is a kindness to myself.

I just finished reading The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett. Wow. I love a novel that makes you think and this is one of those.

No longer sweater weather, but a new photo won't happen until
after a haircut (finally!) in four more days!

1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

I hate the virus. I do not understand it.
However, I do like Trump.
We will have to agree to disagree.
I do pray for the nation and all it's problems every single night.
Sorry about the divorce in your family.
Love, sandie