Thursday, July 16, 2020

Hello Fresh meal kits

I've been in a rut when it comes to making dinner. I can't blame it all on shopping, being alone, or other aspects of restrictions under COVID but all of that has made the rut deeper and longer. I've considered meal kits for months, did research to figure out which would best suit me, and talked to friends who have tried them. A neighbor has been happy with Hello Fresh so that is what I chose.

I made the first of three dinners last night. Each of their meal kits serves two people so three kits will make 6 dinners for me. I don't mind having leftovers so I will stagger the meals (cooking and then reheating leftovers) and see how this goes.

Last night's dinner was Creamy Dreamy Mushroom Cavatappi. The directions said it would take 30 minutes to prepare and that is exactly what it took. I supplied the utensils, water for cooking the pasta, butter, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Everything else was provided in the amount required. Here is the amount that I served myself in front of the recipe from the kit. My mushrooms seem to be hidden in the bowl but are visible in the pan. It appears I didn't evenly divide the amount because what remained looks like more than I consumed, but it truly was plenty and very good.

Here's to eating better and getting out of my rut!

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