Wednesday, July 15, 2020

I'm tired of bullies and herd mentality

The incident that sparked this post is going to remain vague in my description because I am not going to name the troublemaker and give her any more attention. The crafting community is mostly very generous by nature. Sure, each designer and manufacturer hopes you will purchase their design but most don't run each other down.

The key word in that last sentence is "most". Someone with a history of attacking other designers is trying to paint a well-known figure in the craft world as a racist. Her story didn't ring true and is being discredited by many who are in a position to know, but that is only part of what angers me. There have always been people with agendas and that isn't likely to change.

Perhaps worse than the people making false accusations are the herds who follow them. Why do so many people believe something because they read it online? We've all fallen for a few falsehoods that seemed plausible but most people that I know have learned from those experiences. We've all seen phishing emails that look legitimate until you read closely and see that the sender's email address is not from Amazon, it is from Almazon; Facebook posts that tell you that Bill Gates will donate $1 to a worthy charity each time a post is liked or shared; and stories that tell you not to buy a certain nationally known product because hidden in their logo is a secret message for a subversive group. If a person thinks "huh? That doesn't sound right" they investigate for themselves or at the very least, they don't perpetuate the rumor.

Why do so many believe outrageous stories? It doesn't help that we currently have a narcissist in the oval office who labels anything that favors him as the truth. In the past, when the country as a whole was hurting, presidents have set an example by speaking to all of us, assuring us, telling us at least part of the plan to get through the turmoil and be okay again. I am appalled that he continues to make comments that widen the racial divide in this country. I am angry that he granted clemency to Roger Stone who committed 7 felonies. I can't fathom that he discredits military experts and scientists. I am sickened that he is ramrodding the opening of public schools amid a pandemic that he still isn't taking seriously. With this as an example of leadership and what is morally right, I shouldn't be surprised at anything and that is very sad.

1 comment:

Chatty Crone said...

I don't know who you are talking about.
I do know people can be really cruel.
Sorry for this person.